In recent months, a chorus of Nigerian scholars has emerged, urging the nation’s leaders and policymakers to take decisive action to reduce both unemployment and underemployment —a dual challenge that is undermining the country’s economic potential and social cohesion. These experts, drawing from extensive research and comparative studies with global trends, have presented a multifaceted explanation of why the persistence of joblessness is not only an economic dilemma but also a profound societal threat. Their analysis underscores that the issue is deeply rooted in a variety of interconnected factors that include economic fluctuations, rapid technological advancements, the pressures of globalization, systemic gaps in education and training, and ingrained biases that perpetuate discrimination in the workplace. At the heart of their argument lies the observation that economic fluctuations have long served as a barometer for a nation’s job market. In Nigeria, as in many other ..., why ask why?