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Showing posts from October 4, 2019

Conceptualizing African Politics

INTRO: Politics is ubiquitous. It exists everywhere including in Africa, dating back to the foremost state formation processes in the continent which began between 6000 and 4000 BC; i.e., some 6000 and 8000 years ago (Biereenu-Nnabugwu 2006). African politics against this fact, is age long with an impressive span that transverses several millennia. The phrase “African Politics” is clearer when it is reordered to read “politics in Africa.” It follows therefore to mean that doing justice to the conceptualization of African Politics will justifiably start with the review of the scholarly renditions of the concept of politics, and the delimitation of the bearing of the African continent in the world. What is Politics? The concept of politics has been an object of intense intellectual disagreement but with several junctions of agreement especially on the public nature of politics. In other words, politics is inter-personal, and never intra-personal. This is evident in David Easton’s decis