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Showing posts from March 10, 2025

Scholars Explain Why Nigeria Practices Mixed Economy

Nigeria’s economic landscape presents a fascinating study in balance, where the forces of free enterprise merge with deliberate government intervention to create a system that draws on the strengths of both market-driven and state-directed models. At the heart of this model is the recognition that a country’s prosperity hinges on the ability to harness entrepreneurial energy while simultaneously safeguarding the interests of society at large. In Nigeria, the mixed economy approach is not merely an economic policy but a strategic framework designed to maximize growth, stability, and social welfare in a rapidly changing global environment. The reasons for practicing mixed economy abound  The concept of a mixed economy rests on the idea that while private individuals and businesses should have the freedom to own and operate enterprises, the government must also step in to regulate, guide, and support economic activities in ways that ensure broader public benefits. In Nigeria, this du...