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Showing posts from November, 2017

Five (5) Reasons for or the Importance of Girl Child Education in Nigeria

INTRO : Girl child education in Nigeria has been very poor from time immemorial. There is an ongoing argument about the origin of the ugly situation of girl child education in Nigeria. While a camp traces the root of the problem to the patriarchal traditional African society, another camp claims that it is one of the evils of colonialism. It is not in the interest of this piece to throw weight behind either of the camp. If anything, both the traditional African society and colonialism are culpable; but the time for blame game is over. Hence, it is instructive to bring to the attention of the relevant stakeholders, the importance of girl child education in Nigeria such as below.    The reasons for or importance of girl child education in Nigeria are as follows:     To Enable Women Contribute their Quota in the Development of Nigeria :  One of the major reasons for girl child education in Nigeria is capacity building for national d...

Five (5) Reasons for the Needs to Diversify Nigerian Economy

INTRO:  There has never been such a consensus on any socio-economic and political issues in Nigeria as there is on the need for the diversification of Nigeria’s economy. This is perhaps because the consequences will know no bounds. Right from the oil boom, about the time when a Head of State that ruled Nigeria was reported to have said that Nigeria had money but that the problem was how to spend it, through the very period when another Head of State that ruled Nigeria invited all African countries to come to Lagos with their idols just to dine and wine with Nigeria’s petro-dollars under the code-name FESTAC ’77, to the present 4th Republic, Nigeria’s economy has been a mono-cultural economy in which oil constituted 95% of the Country’s export earning, and 70% of the government’s revenue. Since then, there have been sincere calls for diversification of the economy by revitalizing for instance, the erstwhile neglected Agric. Sector of the economy. Now, one might ask, why does Niger...