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Showing posts from August, 2017

Six (6) Reasons for Studying Political Science

INTRO:  Political Science is the king of sciences. Aristotle called it the master science. It is simply the systematic study of power acquisition, power exercise, and power consolidation in the state. From the definition above, it is observable that Political Science amounts to a nullity without power at the centre of the circle of the discipline. Students of Political Science have often times been faced with the question of why they study Political Science. Below are some of the reasons for the study of Political Science. You may also check the reasons for studying economics for your decisions.     The reasons for studying political science are as follows:     We study Political Science in order to be better citizens :  This is the basic reason for studying Political Science. Leadership and followership training are in the domain of Political Science. Political Science in this way, stands out as the most relevant agen...

Five (5) Logical and Biblical Reasons for the Celibacy by Catholic Priests

INTRO : Catholic priests are known for their life of celibacy. Records however, show that the life of celibacy that the priests live is a sheer convention rather than a hard-cast dogma of Catholic Church. What this means is that a radical Pope can change it tomorrow. The celibate life of Catholic priests is not as old as the Church. St. Peter, the first Pope of the Church was a married man;  and the apostles that Jesus chose were, for the most part, married men. The tide began to turn against marriage in 325 AD, in the Council of Nicea which decreed that after ordination a priest could not marry.  This decree hints the fact that marriages which predated the ordinations were allowed. Thus, in 385 AD,  Pope Siricius left his wife (he married a wife before his ordination) in order to become Pope. In an obverse case, Pope Benedict IX in 1045 AD dispensed himself from celibacy and resigned in order to marry (his was not lucky marrying before his ordination...

Four (4) Reasons for the Media Agenda-setting Role in the State

INTRO : The influence of the media on the perception of the people on public issues is empirically verifiable, and well-documented. As far back as 1922, Walter Lippman, a  newspaper columnist was concerned that the media had the power to present images to the public. Little wonder why  Bernard Cohen in 1963 observed that the press "may not be successful much of the time in telling people what to think, but it is stunningly successful in telling its readers what to think about.” The empirical confirmation of the truism of the Lippman’s 1922 position came only in 1968 when during the Chapel Hill Study, published in  Public Opinion Quarterly ,  Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw studied the 1968 American presidential election and demonstrated a strong correlation coefficient (r > .9) between what 100 residents of Chapel Hill, North Carolina thought was the most important election issue and what the local and national news media reported was the most important is...

Six (6) Reasons against Abortion

INTRO: Abortion has been defined as the accidental or deliberate destruction of pregnancy before the birth is due. Several reasons have been floated in support of abortion; most of them are medical while others are social. Some of the reasons for abortion include: Abnormal progress of pregnancies, fetal abnormalities, maternal medical conditions, unwillingness to be a single mother, pregnancy resulting from rape, child abuse or incest, etc. The one million dollar question here is, are the reasons reasonable? The answer is negative and monosyllabic. Deliberate abortions can never be justified judging from the moral and medical reasons listed below: 11. Abortion is an Act of Murder: It has been proved that right from fertilization, life has started in a typical foetus in the womb. Destroying the foetus by implication is assassination. The Fifth Commandment we all know is quite vocal on this: “Thou shall not kill.” As an abortionist, there is no difference between you and a convicted mu...